Natural Date and Time

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开发 Darko Sancanin

Natural Date and Time is a natural language date and time zone converter which allows you to view time and date information for any major city in the world. You can do time zone conversions and view the current time and daylight saving time information about cities all by querying in natural english text.

Features include:
- View current time in any major city
- Timezone converter
- Daylight saving information
- Over 3 million cities

Examples of questions that you can ask:
- What is the time in New York
- What is the time in Kathmandu, Nepal when it is 7pm in New York, USA
- Whats the time in Chicago when its 8pm Eastern Time
- If its 4pm in London what is the time in California
- What is the time in Seattle when it is noon at Miami
- When does daylight saving time begin in Boston in 2016
- What is the time in Sao Paolo when it is midnight on the 2nd of June in Detroit
- DST in London